Friday, April 2, 2010

Is This Really How Females Are Coming Up These Days???

It's so SAD! But, we have to do this...

Kat Stacks is the topic of this blog, She is reported and even alleges to have slept with the entire Young Money Roster!!! She has an invitation only Blog which she uses to dish out the low down on ALL of the "Celebrities" she has had sexual relations with.
What I want to say: Why do young women feel the need to make a come up in such self degrading ways? Is it really that hard to make it in the world WITHOUT losing your self respect? I can only imagine what her family has to say about this overnight reputation she has garnered?

To all of my Female viewers, PLEASE, and I mean PLEASE, do not follow these wicked ways. We are at a crucial time in history where every move we make not only effects and influences YOUR future but OUR future as a community and as a unified body of people.

Fame lasts fifteen minutes, A reputation is FOREVER... and we all know who judges us in the end, so PLEASE, KEEP YOUR SOULS INTACT!

PEACE after the WAR

Here's the video Kat posted herself. The way she speaks and carries herself is evident of her poor upbringing, so before I forget, I want to tell everybody to please hug and love your children; guide them in the righteous ways of the narrow path and never forget to tell them how much you love them. OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE!


  1. I may be a little of of the loop because I never heard of this sad soul before today, but I've seen her kind. I've seen them raise out of the shadows of this so called society. This isn't the beginning, women have been on this path since the beginning. it's a part of primal nature, the difference is now the world advertises it, we are shown this world of sex, money, and power every day, it flood's our Computers, our T.Vs,radios, OUR DAMN MINDS! All this when they could be put to good use, spreading knowledge to the masses. Instead it creates confused young women like this, polluting the minds of both women and men alike. And what do we do to help this broken woman, who views sex and money above all else, even self respect, or knowledge? We give her a book deal, money, and power over our daughters minds.

    No sex is casual, all sex means something to everyone involved,whether its two minds and bodies becoming one, or an act of desperation, or in this case confusion probably stemming from what you said, a lack of parenting and a need to feel accepted.

    It is up to we the people, not of a single nation, but the world, to truly stand up and make a difference. Whether you wish to stand up and raise your voice, or stay silent and just live your life, either way you make a difference when you don't hold back from speaking true knowledge to yourself those around you.

    "the major opus, including the initial assault: this must be transmitted by word of mouth." - Miyamoto Musashi

  2. Very well put Ach! I totally agree, I am glad somebody stepped forth and voiced their mind on the issues I raise, this is vital.
    Dig the Miyamoto Musashi quote as well, very nice way to sum it up.
    Spreading the word is the beginning of opening the mind to the sunshine of God, Training our kids is VITAL to building brighter tomorrows!
