How Black Pride Fell Into Despair. A passionate study and call to arms (of The Mind, that is)!
Good morning, evening and afternoon. I, The Hip Hop Poet, had to sit back and think really hard about this report; I want it to be complete and informative.
Black Pride/Power has been lacking since the early 2000s. But it started long before that! It began with all of our Political Leaders! It started with Marcus Garvey, he was the first to bring the Revolution to the minds of Blacks and Africans.
“Our union must know no clime, boundary, or nationality… let us hold together under all climes and in every country… ” - Marcus Garvey
His teachings invoked within the minds of farm workers and other struggling blacks, the need to rise and think with a godly mind. Black Power was finally born in America; of course there were other attempts before Marcus Garvey, like Nat Turner and Harriet Tubman, to name a couple. But, none stuck like how Marcus Garvey did, Marcus Garvey had a plan and a formula. He was known as the National Hero Of Jamaica and his teaching didn't go unheard of abroad, it gave White folks something to FEAR. And that they did!
So much, did the White man hate with a passion what Marcus Garvey was teaching that he sought out to destroy him before he got too big for his own good -as they would have said it.
Garvey read his own Obituary in the Chicago Defender. Not too long afterward, he was poisoned while traveling on a boat. Almost stopping a whole Revolution. He died June 10, 1940.
Let's fast forward twenty some years to Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. the two brilliant yet very dissimilar minds, were pillars in the black communities of America. Martin developing his ideology and formulas in the Church; while Malcolm developed his in The Nation Of Islam and the immaculate teachings of Elijah Muhammad. Little does most of America know, Martin Luther King Jr. was paid by The Kennedy's (commissioned). Many thought or think, of Martin as a sell out, BUT, Martin was not a sell out nor a punk. He had a very peculiar way of teaching, using the Bible to justify his cause. It just didn't work out too well because he failed to teach the true essence of The Bible, namely, that The Bible contains The Complete History, of Black Israelites. Malcolm X DID teach the fact that we were Israelites, but this went unacknowledged.
Black America was beginning to awaken and to discover who self was. They sang glorious songs of Black Power, they marched and demonstrated their cause against White America and how WE WANTED FREEDOM!
Isn't that what Black Power was all about? Bringing about change in how things worked on the ulterior level of Equality and Peace. Gaining The Freedom needed to be a humble man or woman able to carry out our own business and support our families and educate the children?
Isn't that the essential basics of it all?
Black Power gave us an identity to which we did not have before.
When slaves came to America, Their names and spirituality was stripped away from them. Why?
I will gladly tell you why!
The White man went to Africa, this is all planned in The Bible. God placed a curse on Hebrew Israelites that would see them being scattered all around the nations and countries of the world. They would be torn from their families, brought to lands which we know not, on boats. And the first slaves came to America on a slave ship named Jesus. How do we know that WE are the Israelites? I will show you what The Bible showed me (Mind you the white man forbid Blacks from reading and writing and continuing our own religious and spiritual practices. Namely, he kept us AWAY from the Bible)
1.Slavery and captivity
2. Having no power to stand against their enemies
3. Exiled into the Lands of their enemies
4. Scattered among all Nations
5. A very Sick and disease stricken people
6. At the bottom socially with other races high above them
7. Lost the true Knowledge of who they are, and will be called by many scornful nicknames other than Israel or Hebrew (nigger, coon, monkey, porch monkey, jigga boo, spade, blackie, negro, afro- american, etc...)
8. Packed into Prisons and Jails
9. A Non- Prosperous People
10. An oppressed People by their Enemies
11. Very religious and members of all religions
What does all of this mean to Black Power? It is very easy to understand when examining this list of Attributes. We have always had Black Power and Black Pride, but isn't Pride a Sin? Doesn't Pride go against the established Laws in The Torahs? If so, then why do we cling on to Pride like a child to the breast?
Because, we were never given proper education. Schools can only teach us what they want us to know and you must also understand that School is ran by the same people that run The Prison/Penal system. As slaves, we were kept from Knowledge for so long that many forgot who they were, the most intelligent were feared by the white man and were murdered off and used as examples.
Take a look at a Monarch Butterfly, this butterfly gave man the knowledge of genetics in the sense that these butterflies could pass on Knowledge thru genetics. These butterflies were observed to know their way home without being shown the way! Amazing. And, with this knowledge Genetics was taking to the next level, they used fear to reverse the roles of Black Men and Women. The Woman became the Man and the Man became the Woman, so to say. Willie Lynch issued an order in the form of a training manual on how to breed slaves, keep slaves under check and other heinous techniques and strategies. The White Man has focus in the Mind while the “Negro” was engineered to have focus on The Body. We can still see the effects of this act today.
Let's get back to the destruction... shall we?
COINTELPRO was created by The FBI, Jay Edgar Hoover, one the most racist and self centered men to ever walk the earth, created this FBI division of Counter Intelligence. He wanted Black Power, Black Politics, Black Leaders, GONE. COINTELPRO, kept surveillance on Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X, Black Panthers and all known Pro Black Groups and organizations, including Musicians, writers, poets, politicians, revolutionaries, Public Speakers, Celebrities and etc.. It was clear that they hated what these black men and women were doing for their communities. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated before giving what could have been the most important speech of his career. Malcolm X was going to expose the system further than he ever did before he was Assassinated.
Huey P. Newton, leader and co founder of The Black Panthers was Assassinated. Assata Shakur was made a Political Prisoner and eventually became a refugee in Political Asylum in Cuba. A plethora of other well known and achieved leaders were assassinated, imprisoned or silenced. Others had their Characters Assassinated to the point where they were no longer credible in the eyes of the people.
COINTELPRO was the devil!
In the wake of Malcolm X's death a group was born, The Last Poets. This politically centered group of Poets sought out to reawaken the Pro Black Movements. People were often scared to conduct Revolutionary business at this point. But, it was crucial to building something solid to call our own. If we allowed them to silence us EVERYTIME we spoke out, we wouldn't have gotten this far.
Everybody, today is at a standstill since Obama has entered office, they honestly believe we have a true leader in him. BULLSHIT!! Presidents are carefully selected. Obama is a tool, a puppet that works for the Government to serve their purpose and agenda and believe me, IT IS NOT FOR THE PEOPLE!
Media will lead us to believe anything and when we are shown and told a lie enough times, we begin to believe these lies and absurdities that saturate the media and otherwise. Propaganda abounds us, we can not turn on the TV without some ad jumping out at us telling us that we need their services and life is so much harder without it. Do we not understand that everything we NEED we already HAVE?!?!
Gangs sprouted up in the mid 70s in Chicago. These gangs sought out to protect their neighborhoods and communities from Police Terrorism. The COINTELPRO infiltrated these gangs and turned them against themselves just as they did the Panthers and others before them!
Music was reborn with the rise of Hip Hop. Rappers spoke about the problems they faced in their communities. Hip Hop was the golden cow needed to bring the people back together. Hip Hop ushered in new movements and we fought the system with bullets in the form of words. Our guns were pencils and we feed them paper like cyanide in a hollow point. We were armed and Dangerous, a bit too dangerous. Public Enemy said FIGHT THE POWER! And WE DID!!!
But, ole big brother was watching the whole time. Trying to figure out it's plan of action to stop it.
When Hip Hop became a hot commodity, COINTELPRO Agents traded in their badges for a suit and a desk job as Label Execs. Check writers. ETC... They had a strict formula for how Hip Hop would be viewed and played. NO BLACK POWER and NO KNOWLEDGE. Which, brings us to where I began. Black Power died in the early 2000s. Lil Jon was one of the first to FUCK THE MINDS OF THE YOUTH. With Anthems like sweat dripping down my balls. Became the only topics that we would hear and see on Radio and Music Videos. True Artists of Hip Hop were forced Underground and their POWERFUL messages were never to be known by the whole world as they could've been; should've been; would've been.
Why did Black Power fall?
Because of the bitch in you that wont stand up for something so you fall for everything.
Why did Black Power fall?
Because you give honors to retarded artists like Lil Wayne, Gucci Mane and Young Jeezy and you line their pockets with x amount of dollars that go right back into the hands of the Man who fucked us all and stole us from our land!
Why did Black Power fall?
Because Kids today don't give a fuck about principles and rather be dope boys and slap “hoes” and hang on the corner with their pants hanging around their knees.
Why did Black Power fall?
Because you never really cared about yourself or your people to begin with, Life is all about making a buck for you!
You helped destroy the communities as a whole! You gave women the idea that they had to be sluts to make it anywhere in the world. You told children that they weren't worth shit and proved it by not educating them and loving them properly!
You stood by and watched as police brutalized and terrorized neighborhoods. You refuse to pick up a book and you refuse to believe that this system, this Government would never be so harsh as to fuck a whole nation.
You did this!
We did this!
Now we must fight to get it all back. But, remember, Two Bush's and Obama said they will bring in New World Order by 2012. So, How hard will you fight? When will you learn the truth and pass it on to your children? When will you do something about OUR downfall. It takes a Nation!
PEACE after the WAR!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
How Black Power Fell Into Despair
Posted by
1:00 PM
Hip Hop,
Malcolm X,
Marcus Garvey,
Martin Luther King Jr.,
Public Enemy

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