Happy *Easter* Everybody!
Sorry about the delay in review...
Take note that I said it was the most important Album in Hip Hop History. It's going to take me a slight second to type it all up the way I truly want to. You can expect the review to be posted TODAY.
While I am here I decided to share some things I have found myself getting into as of late; the first being a tv show I have become infatuated with.

Is a Television show that Airs on ABC 7, what day? I do not know, I watch this show online -Where I am the programmer of my own schedule.
V is an odd series that was taken from the 1980's program of the same name. The show centers around the lives of the pictured characters; I personally believe the show is a lot like Fringe. The characters are forming a revolution against an Alien invasion. In the very first episode, 29 Alien spaceships arrive over the world's major cities and immediately attempt to set up diplomatic harmonies after sending a multi-lingual "Peace" Message to the world via the spaceship; highly advanced technology indeed.
I wont spoil too much for those who may have yet to view this show.
A great majority of the scenes are created with expert use of computer graphical imagery. I can truly believe in the set design's sole intent of suspending your belief; I feel like I am really on a spaceship. Some of the more gory stuff even makes you sort of cringe, not to mention THINK. There is a lot of things in this show that I honestly can't even believe to think got there by accident.
First, being the Reptilian Agenda. Something we should all look into; many Ancient cultures spoke of beasts and reptiles. The Bible has features of Angels, Demons, Reptiles, Beasts and so on -The Devil/Satan/Lucifer, too?
Second, is the unified government, Human Invasion theme. Haven't these played a part in humanity since the dawn of time? Did God not appear as a "Visitor" of sorts, he came and rose man up from the dirt and breathed life into their bodies. He spoke from the heavens!
Study this show!
There are vital elements brought forth in this program as well as in Fringe. The Government has never been pretty.
Google Analytics
I hooked up my Blogger to Google Analytics and I must say that I am impressed with it's features for monitoring traffic and visitors. The dashboard is very nicely laid out, not that I expected anything less from Google products. It features, pie charts and percentages outlining Direct traffic versus Referring sites. Next to that is the Content Overview of all of your pages along with the option to view the full report thereof.
Not only does it include all of this but it also shows users from where the visitors come from, what Browser they used to view your site and what Operating System they used to view your site!!! I am amazed by the complexities of monitoring your website. the features do not stop there! you can set up Goals (i.e. today I expect to hit 5,000 viewers) With Goals, I feel like you can set up to do lists, so to say. and use it to push yourself along and work harder for driving traffic to your pages.
If this was an Album Review I would give Google Analytics an A++
**Update Start**
Google Analytics is even deeper now that I have spent a few days with it and understand it more!
>You can monitor:
- Operating Systems (including Phones, SmartPhones)
- Operating System/ Browser Combinations:
Internet Explorer/Windows, Opera/Windows, Safari/Windows, Safari/Macintosh, Opera Mini/{PHONE BRAND HERE}etc. etc... - Flash Compatibility
Yes or No and then follows with Percentages and charts thereof. - Flash Versions
Lists WHAT flash version and Percentages and charts thereof. - Languages
I found this to be EXTREMELY DOPE!! You can see what languages your viewers speak, a percentage of how many users speak this language and combinations of different languages your site visitors speak. - Content
This gives you statistics on each individual page of your site and gives you precise calculations on the average amount of time your visitors spent on each page or link on your site. - Returning Visitors
This shows you precise calculations on how many users come back to your site and gives brackets on how many times they have come to your site (i.e. 1 times, 2 times, 3 times, 4 times, 5 times, 6 times, 8 times, 9 times 10- 15 times 15- 30 times etc...) - Phones
This gives a deeper understanding to you on the users that are using Cellphones or smart phones like iPhones, Danger Hiptop, HTC phones and etc etc etc... - Map Overlay
This is a Map that shows you where your visitors come from, you have seen something similar if you ever frequent Myspace. This is cool too, you can literally form strategies on marketing and promoting your site with ALL OF THESE FEATURES.
**Update end**
Well, as promised The Album review will be coming up next, check out all my other posts and visit the links I supply all over the site for further knowledge on the topics I touch on. Have a Glorious Easter Sunday and come RIGHT BACK to enjoy my upcoming Album Review.
PEACE after the WAR
(*Easter* (Ēostre (Old English); Greek: Πάσχα Paskha, from Hebrew: פֶּסַח Pesakh,) is the central religious feast in the Christian liturgical year.[1] According to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Some Christians celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday[2] (also Resurrection Day or Resurrection Sunday), two days after Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday. The chronology of his death and resurrection is variously interpreted to be between AD 26 and AD 36. Easter also refers to the season of the church year called Eastertide or the Easter Season. Traditionally the Easter Season lasted for the forty days from Easter Day until Ascension Day but now officially lasts for the fifty days until Pentecost. The first week of the Easter Season is known as Easter Week or the Octave of Easter. Easter also marks the end of Lent, a season of fasting, prayer, and penance.)
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